Samsung Tool is a freeware software app filed under mobile phone tools and made available by z3x-team for Windows.
- Admin tool로 들어가는 방법은 비슷했다. Ctrl+alt+f10 관리자암호 secos. Tools command prompt x 드라이브에서 찾아서 들어가면 된다. X: recovery admin usb 포맷 유틸리티 첨부되었다. Rufus 버전 2.8 (빌드 886) srs6과 srs7은 복구파티션 구조가 바뀌었다.
- 이후 나오는 결과에서 Samsung Recovery 만 체크하고 다운로드한다. 이렇게 하면, 원하는 장소에 'System Software'라는 폴더가 생기고, 하위 메뉴 ' Samsung Recovery7.3.0.17 Recovery UpdateWinPE ' 로 이동해 보면, SRS73WinPEx64.wim 이라는 파일이 생성되어 있다.
- Admin tool로 들어가는 방법은 비슷했다. Ctrl+alt+f10 관리자암호 secos. Tools command prompt x 드라이브에서 찾아서 들어가면 된다. X:recoveryadmin usb 포맷 유틸리티 첨부되었다. Rufus 버전 2.8 (빌드 886) srs6과 srs7은 복구파티션 구조가 바뀌었다.
- Samsung Recovery Solution Admin Tool 4/5 (Download or Create from Samsung Laptop. Process is given below) Windows 7/8 Installation Disc. Note: Data from your Hard Disk will be deleted. So Create a back up of your important files. Creating Samsung Recovery Solution Admin Tool 5.
Windows 7 users usually have the Samsung Recovery Solution 5 installed on their computers. With Samsung Recovery Solution 5 you can restore your computer by choosing any of the three available options: ㆍBasic Restore. ㆍComplete Restore.
The review for Samsung Tool has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC and a list of features has been compiled; see below.
If you would like to submit a review of this software download, we welcome your input and encourage you to submit us something!
Repair damage and perform unlocking on Samsung Android devices

Samsung Tool activation allows flash, unlocking, repair damaged IMEI, SN, Bluetooth etc. for most Samsung phones.
Also with Samsung Editor you can change language and other resources in many Samsung phones.
Features and highlights
Samsung Recovery Solution 6 Download
- Unlock Samsung phones
- Re-partition phone filesystem
- Flash phones with firmware files
- Repair function for unbricking devices
- Read and write NVM
- Activate or deactivate user lock
- Read device and SIM lock status
- Reset device and SIM lock status
- Read codes on phone
- Search and replace function in editor
- Load from XLS file
Samsung Tool on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs
This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from mobile phone tools without restrictions. Samsung Tool 20.5 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows 10 PCs but also without a hitch on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Compatibility with this software may vary, but will generally run fine under Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP on either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup. A separate x64 version may be available from z3x-team.
Filed under:- Samsung Tool Download
- Freeware Mobile Phone Tools
Samsung Recovery Solution Admin Tool
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Overview of Samsung Recovery Solution in Windows 10
If you own a Samsung laptop, you may be familiar with Samsung Recovery Solution. It is anapplication provided by Samsung which helps users backup their computer and restore it to aworking state when problems occur. From Windows XP to Windows 7, the software has upgradedfrom Samsung Recovery Solution 3 to 5. In Windows 10, it is called Samsung Recovery.Following are the main features of Samsung Recovery:

Backup the current system or user data.
Restore the computer to the backed up state or factory default settings.
Create a factory state disk or create a disk copy so asto replace the current drive.
Now you know what Samsung Recovery Solution in Windows 10 is used for. Since many userschoose to factory reset their Samsung laptop when they encounter stubborn malware or serioussystem errors, I’ll show you how to perform factory reset via Samsung Recovery in detailbelow.
How to factory reset a Samsung laptop in Windows 10 step by step?
Follow the guidance below to restore your Samsung laptop to factory default settings inWindows 10:
1. Boot your computer, click the Start button, and select SamsungRecovery.
Tips: If your computer fails to boot, press the F4 keyseveral times before the Samsung logo appears. It will bring you Samsung Recoveryautomatically.
2. Select Computer factory reset from the initial menu screen.

3. Click Start factory reset. Follow the on-screen instructions to completethe recovery to its initial status.
Computer factory reset will delete all files and installed applications. Backupimportant data using the Back up Computer function or the Backup user data function (in the F4 mode) before running factory reset.
For computers running Windows 7, you can learn SamsungWindows 7 recovery from here.
Alternative way to perform Samsung laptop recovery
Although it is not difficult to recover a Samsung laptop via Samsung Recovery Solution, yourlaptop may not be equipped with the tool depending on your model. What’s more, users find Samsunglaptop recovery not working sometimes. Therefore, it is necessary to install anotherbackup and recovery utility on your Samsung laptop.
AOMEI Backupper Standard ishighly recommended here. It is free to use and it supports all Windows PC operating systemsincluding Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP. It not only enables you to backup the system and userdata, but also allows you to backup a specific disk or partition. It is suggested that yourun scheduled backupsfor your computer, thus ensuring newly added or modified data are backed up.
Just download this freeware to have atry. After you have performed System Backup with AOMEI Backupper, you canfollow the steps below to run system restore when your computer is in serious troubles:

Step 1. Launch AOMEI Backupper. Click “Restore” and then “Select Task”.
Step 2. Select the system backup task from the list and click “Next”.
Step 3. Select “Restore this system backup” and click “Next”.
Step 4. Confirm operations on the “Operation Summary” page and click on“Start Restore” button.
Samsung Recovery Solution 5 Download
To boot your computer in case of boot failure, you can create bootablemedia with AOMEI Backupper.
If you want to restore the system image to another computer, you should checkUniversal Restore in Step 4, thus ensuring the system is bootable afterrecovery. You may upgrade tohigher edition to enjoy this feature.
Samsung Recovery Tool Download
You have learned a quick guide to Samsung Recovery Solution in Windows 10 in this article. Todoubly secure your Samsung laptop, you can turn to AOMEI Backupper. It offers you all-aroundbackup solutions with advanced options. Apart from the backup and restore functions, it ownsthe clone feature. You can use AOMEI Backupper to migrate OS to non Samsung SSD when youencounter the issue of SamsungData Migration not working on non Samsung SSD. Try it out at once!