Monster Energy Drink 666

Monster Energy Drink 666

Monster Energy Drink 666 Hebrew

CB asks: “There is a post on Facebook about the drink called Monster. It claims to have 666 written on the can. According to there is nothing to this claim. Any thoughts?”

The “Monster Energy drinks are the work of Satan” claims have been circulating for at least eight years now. However, in 2014, an author and Christian activist named Christine Weick made a video about the claims which was very convincing. It not only managed to garner seven million hits on YouTube but also revived the rumor.

For those who are unfamiliar with it, Weick and others claim that the claw-like “M” symbol on the can actually spells the numeral 666 in Hebrew. She shows how the Hebrew numeral for the number six, known as the letter “vav” looks just like the “M” on the can when three 6’s are placed in a row.

Thus, the logo spells out '666' — the mark of the horned, hooved one that gnaws on the traitor Judas Iscariot in the 9th Circle of hell. The woman then points out that the letter 'o' in Monster has a vertical line through it, making it into a cross. When someone imbibes the energy drink, they turn the can upside down, inverting the cross.

Ultimately, the claim involving a 666 on Monster energy drink cans relies on the incorrect assumption the three claw marks comprising the logo represent three iterations of the Hebrew symbol “Vav,”. Monster Energy is an energy drink that was introduced by Hansen Natural Company (now Monster Beverage Corporation) in April of 2002. Monster Energy has a 35% share of the energy drink market, the second highest share after Red Bull. There are 34 different drinks under the Monster brand in North America, including its core Monster Energy line, Java Monster, Extra Strength, Import, Rehab. This lady argues that Monster’s longtime ‘M’ logo on the front of their cans has sinister undertones, and frankly, she’s pretty convincing at first. The three claw marks that make up the green ‘M’. Monster Energy Drink – Unleash the Beast 666. Monster Energy has taken off like hot cakes, you see people wearing their branded clothing in the malls. Endorses racing teams; if it’s fast and it’s fun, they will endorse it. I always looked on in amazement as to what on earth their logo meant because it did not look good.

The Monster logo also features a cross in the letter “o” which becomes inverted when the can is tipped to drink. An inverted cross is a well-known occult symbol.

Monster Energy Drink 666

Weick also points out that the slogan on the can reads, “Unleash the beast”.

However, Weick’s theory has been debunked for various reasons.

LogoMonster Energy Drink 666

First, the company denies any connection with the satanic in its product imaging or design. In an interview with the Christian Post, a representative of the company’s consumer relations department named Janet (who strangely declined to give her last name) said Weick’s theories were not true. “The M claw represents [the letter] M scratched on the can and doesn’t represent anything else,” she said.

She added that the “unleash the beast” slogan was “just a saying” and that “anybody could represent it the way that they want to.”

Janet did not specifically address the cross in the letter “o” but did say that anything found on the Monster energy drink could be “open to interpretation” which no one could argue with.

While I didn’t find this interview to be particularly persuasive, other evidence against Weick’s theories were more convincing.

For instance, the main premise of her claim is that the “M” in monster is the Hebrew number “666” which she says is written as three “vavs” (a vav is the number 6 in Hebrew). In reality, the number 666 in Hebrew is not written as vav vav vav but as “six hundred and sixty six” which would be spelled סרתו (samech resh tav vav).

Monster Energy Drink 666

Another issue that I couldn’t seem to get around is the fact that Weick has somewhat of a reputation for controversy. She was the woman who managed to get into an invitation-only Islamic prayer meeting which was held inside Washington’s National Cathedral (a controversy in itself at the time) only to disrupt the service and shout, “We have built, and allowed you here in mosques across this country. Why can’t you worship in your mosque, and leave our churches alone?”

While I applaud her for expressing outrage over the event that scandalized Christians across the country, this wasn’t exactly the way to handle it.

I also discovered that she has been living out of her car while touring book fairs and other events touting her book entitled Explain This! A Verse by Verse Explanation of the Book of Revelation.

Having said all this, I must say that the devil can influence anyone and at any time if they let him so he may very well have been influencing people who did the design work for Monster energy drinks. This could easily explain why they chose some of these images for their product. Canon 1120 driver windows 10 64 bit. But to imply anything more would be pure speculation.

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Having a bad day? This lunatic will make you feel heaps better.

A friend alerted me to a great Lad Bible Facebook post of a woman that appears to be an escaped mental patient or out on early release for good behaviour telling people about her Monster Energy Drink theory. Please understand we are not medical professionals and our diagnosis may be slightly off. Take a look and judge for yourself.

Lets break the video down before we have a jolly old laugh at some of the funnier memes people are posting on The Lad Bible’s Facebook page in response to the video.

Firstly, monster lady managed to find the numbers 666 cleverly embedded into the Monster Energy Drink logo (there are a bunch of these crackpot theories online) and somehow connected this with the Hebrew alphabet. Personally TLP thought it was simple marketing 101 and supposed to resemble the monstrous energy tearing through the can.

Then monster lady displays her project sketches and other random crap on the back of a cardboard box (presumably what she was working on prior to her early release). She explains how Monster Energy Drink cannot be a Christian company because they refer to some of their big fucking cans as “Big Fucking Cans” and because MILF’s (Mom’s I’d Like to Fuck) enjoy the drink…

…naturally there is also an upside down cross which is probably supposed to do something messed up and turn all of the little brats who consume it into Regan like demons straight out of The Exorcist, maybe, we can only assume because she didn’t elaborate. Demonic Superpowers in a can…a’la Monster Energy?


I’d love to be a fly on the wall over at the Blue Sky Beverage Company when the product manager for the energy drink attempts to pitch this one to the marketing manager and other execs.

“So I thought we would attempt to unleash the demon god Satan onto the world today with our perfectly branded Monster Energy Drink. As it turns out, recent polls suggest it is the most well suited energy drink for the upcoming zombie apocalypse…”

Now, those memes we promised you…


Monster Energy Executives are laughing their asses off and making it rain dolla billz!
