Minecraft Warhammer 40k Server

40K rpg Minecraft server!
Warhammer 40k rp discord servers

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Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Psychic Novitiate selected by a Gatherer

Hey people! Me and some of my friends got an idea of making a minecraft 40K server and we are currently making a hive city! Like most of you people know hive city's are extremely large and we need people to help
The server has a custom texture pack and the texture pack will be avavible for download soon, the city is based on the HUGE amazing imperial city, http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/monumental-imperial-city/
And I will give credit to the creators. Well the reason I'm looking for 40k fanatical builders is that the city is only about 50% done, and also it would be nice to make it more '40k'ish'
Everyone who helps gets builder rank on the server and gets on the list of credits
The server will be up next week or so, to get in you will have to send me a pm and then ill probably ad you to the whitelist, because I don't want a flood of trolls to come and destroy the city!
and also if your interested I recommend that you keep an eye on this topic, because there will be regular updates!
Well people, there are some peoples that were interested and that's great
but hopefully most of you are familiar with the tekkit mod pack.
As this is 40k.. some technical blocks and stuff like that would be nice... and it ads loads of for example weapons
So the server will be running tekkit.. now some of you will probably say that you don't know how to instal that 'tekkit' that I'm talking about.
Well its actually fairly simple, you just go to the tekkit site http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/ and click on 'download the technic louncher, after that you just select tekkit, log in and you are ready to play
And also the server will hopefully be up this week, im upgrading the computer that i use to host it so stay tuned and please don't loose hope in me ;D
Hey, people
the server will be up for a while today for you to come and see, everyone that have pm'd me for whitelist are on it please come have a look
operations wont start right now tho, the server will only be up today though because i still don't have my server computer but please come have a look (6.9.2012) the ip is minecraft.tpostur.is it will be vb17.net but those on whitelist please come have a look even start making the interior in some buildings
and btw here is a link to a similar texture pack you can use meanwhile I'm making the other one

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2012/09/06 15:02:53

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Though we find ourselves in shadow, no blackness may enter our hearts. No treachery shall touch our souls; no pride will sully our thoughts. We shall be pure amongst impurity; we shall be innocence among guilt. We are the Imperium's hidden saviours!
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Wight Lord with the Sword of Kings

Move to videogmaes section.
Is it offline mode?
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Psychic Novitiate selected by a Gatherer

thenoobbomb wrote:
Move to videogmaes section.
Is it offline mode?

sorry I didn't see the games section
And no it's not offline mode, everyone can log onto it as an admin for example if its offline mode

How to backstab in tf2. This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/09/02 18:28:48

Though we find ourselves in shadow, no blackness may enter our hearts. No treachery shall touch our souls; no pride will sully our thoughts. We shall be pure amongst impurity; we shall be innocence among guilt. We are the Imperium's hidden saviours!
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Sweet, I'll try and get on this weekend for an hour or so.
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Wight Lord with the Sword of Kings

hal9000 wrote:
thenoobbomb wrote:
Move to videogmaes section.
Is it offline mode?

sorry I didn't see the games section
And no it's not offline mode, everyone can log onto it as an admin for example if its offline mode

So you need to have a legit mc?
Sorry, cant help then
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Blood Angel Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries

Sounds interesting, I may be able to get another friend to help
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Pewling Menial

I'll join up, only to mess around with micro blocks to see if I can make a Valkyrie out of Microblocks
There is no Overkill, only 'Open Fire,' and 'I need to Reload.'
When someone tries to kill you, just kill them right back.
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

On Nimbosa, cramming as many guardsmen into troop carriers as possible.

I will be on in a month or so, free time is at a premium, so I have to finish my imperial guard army, which will be done in a month or 2 but I have friends who play 40k and technic pack minecraft so we should be able to get on sometime.
If you can, install the zeppelin mod onto the server, it lets you make anything into a flying machine, add a few dispensers with arrows or magma, and you got a Valkyrie!
Bludbaff wrote:
xSPYXEx wrote:
How many Imperial Guardsmen does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


[/url] .
Subject: 40K rpg Minecraft server!

Pyro Pilot of a Triach Stalker

Oooh! Tekkit! Love it!
Perhaps it's time to form an infamous genestealer cult beneath the hive!

Minecraft Warhammer 40k Server

Minecraft Warhammer 40k Server

40k Warhammer Emoji Discord

Im looking for a warhammer 40k pvp/rp server. Id like to see different factions based off warhammer space marine clans or even other races to be given a world to battle it out between each other. Alternatively If you like the idea of this server. I am willing to take part in its development. I have run a few other servers in survival mode. We are a semi-serious Warhammer 40k roleplaying game, we have daily off-worlds and multiple events perday! We have some content that is seen nowhere else! The regiments we have: - 299th Cadian Imperial Guard (Multiple specialisation and or little goodies, this is the starting regiment for the server). Me and some of my friends got an idea of making a minecraft 40K server and we are currently making a hive city! Like most of you people know hive city's are extremely large and we need people to help. Hi ladies and gents! Today, I will be bringing you my first ever minecraft mod, Space Marines form Warhammer 40,000 in minecraft! Currently, there is Chaos, Ultramarines, Orks, Chainswords, Choppas and Powerswords They have the Endermen and Iron Golem sounds, but that is temporary. They are agrovated against you by default, I'll try to fix that.

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