Ccitt A_law Wav File Converter


  • Hi, I have a big problem. My client needs wav files in a certain format (CCITT a-law, 8kHz, 8bit, 64kb/s). Is there a QT codec or a standalone utility to do that?
  • Click the compressed settings and change Format to CCITT u-Law, then pick 8,000 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono in the Attributes. Back on the main converter page, click convert and you’ll be all set. Depending on the requirements of your phone system, you might need to change the file extension from.wav in order for the file to work properly.

“I have Home Vista on my new computer. I need to convert a sound file to CCITT u-Law 8000kHz 8Bit Mono to forward it to my 800# recording. I’m stumped.”
The way I convert files to CCITT u-Law is to save them using Adobe Audition. Unless you have a reason to do a ton of audio recording, I wouldn’t recommend that solution, because it’s expensive. Most of the solutions available for converting sound files to CCITT u-Law cost money, but there is one solution that converts audio to CCITT u-Law for free.
In this case, the solution I recommend is dbPowerAmp. I can’t tell you how many times this little audio tool has saved me when I need a quick solution. On the dbPowerAmp download page, you want the link that says dBpoweramp Music Converter.
After you install dbPowerAmp, you access conversion features by right-clicking on the audio file you want to convert and choosing Convert to from your right-click menu.
Leave Converting set to Wave, then click the button for Compressed. Click the compressed settings and change Format to CCITT u-Law, then pick 8,000 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono in the Attributes. Back on the main converter page, click convert and you’ll be all set.
Depending on the requirements of your phone system, you might need to change the file extension from .wav to .au in order for the file to work properly. In most cases, you won’t need to make this change.

I have a big problem. My client needs wav files in a certain format (CCITT a-law, 8kHz, 8bit, 64kb/s). Is there a QT codec or a standalone utility to do that? I've searched the net with no luck... There are some apps that convert to alaw but they lack the possibility to set bitrate or other setting. I've tried the good'n old windows SoundRec (a part of standard acccesories) but it locks the bitrate to 7kb/s when 8bit/8kHz is chosen... I need the application first time and probably last time in my life so if you know a good free or shareware software it would be great - Mac or PC. Thanks in advance.

Audio Sample Size: 8 Bit Channels: 1 (Mono) Audio Sample Rate: 8khz Audio Format: CCITT u-law HOWEVER, I was told that the extension should be a.wav so I'm still trying to figure that out. Let me know if it works for you.

FileCcitt a_law wav file converter mp4

Ccitt A_law Wav File Converter Download

G5 Quad 2.5GHz/8GB RAM/2x250GB/320GB FW, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Logic 8.0.2 studio/Digidesign Mbox 2 Pro/PT 7.4/2xUAD-1e

Ccitt A_law Wav File Converter Freeware

Posted on Oct 13, 2008 1:42 PM